In less than a month we'll have a 2 year old in our household! What??
Random things I want to remember about Trevin at this age...
Cannot say Benjamin, so calls him "Bubu" instead
Loves to talk on his play phone to Nana, Papa, Grandpa Lairlee
The words I hear most during playtime are, "Ready, Go, Fast!"
Would rather ink his arms with markers instead of the paper
Wants to tell stories just like Benjamin....but in his own language
Is able to unlock & open all doors in our house. But he knows not to go outside without us.
Sleeps great at nights (thankfully we are done with teething for now)
Walks down the stairs now, but reverts to belly sliding if he feels a sense of urgency about the situation
Will climb out of his high chair & the grocery cart when we are not looking
Plays by himself pretty well
Favorite toys - either race cars or JD tractors.
Just discovered Bob the Builder this week.
When Russell comes home from work, he yells to him "Dada, Dada" & expects to be acknowledged/greeted....even if Russell is on the phone.
Loves to rock & cuddle before bedtime/naptime. But he must have his bunny.
Climbs on anything, gets into everything (ie sneaks into our shower, taking off the drain and proceeds to stuff my razor and a small B&BW lotion bottle down the drain....ugh!!!!)
Calls every meal "lunch" and usually asks for lunch as soon as he wakes up. He is a very good eater! His favorite food is cheese.
Wears 3T clothes & does NOT like footed pjs.
Loves bathtime & would play in there for hours if I'd let him.
He'll go around & shake hands after mtg.
Loves car keys. Mr. Curtis is a favorite because after mtg, he'll always give Trevin their car keys. Trevin tries (in all positions standing, sitting, lying down)to get the keys into his pants pocket...just like Mr. Curtis.