Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's time!

I'm officially using my facebook account...can you believe it, Lori? I've found it a great way to communicate & find updates & news about Benjamin's new school....so there you go! However, I want to be careful so it doesn't take away my time from my family, my blog & more important things. I'm realzing more and more that each day is a gift & it is up to me to use it wisely.

Invite me to be your friend...if you wish!


Unknown said...

I let out a whoop when I saw you had accepted my friend request!! :) It's just plain good for keeping in touch accross the miles, I have put it through the test! Just keep it off your phone and it won't dominate your time!!! Hugs.

Unknown said...

After I typed "whoop"... that wasn't an Aggie whoop! I have to be careful saying that now! LOL!

Traci K said...

Oh yes, been there, done that and finished that. It was just too time consuming for me, but I agree that it'd definitely a great way to keep in touch when those you never see and haven't seen in years.