W.J. once said if others do wrong,
In light of recent experiences, we are trying to instill this thought in Benjamin & remember to carry it out in our lives too.
In light of recent experiences, we are trying to instill this thought in Benjamin & remember to carry it out in our lives too.
New friends about the same age...Trevin & Trevor! My crafty sister painted the letters on these shirts...aren't they great?
Benjamin picked out these "Texas orange" roses as his favorite in the beautiful rose garden
Sweet smile for Uncle Russell
Playing Thomas the Train UNO...Damion was the winner!
Hello little Malia!
a tired little boy on the early morning flight home
Thanks R&A for your gracious hospitality & fun times. What great memories.
swimming lessons Summer 1981
This weekend we had some good laughs watching Mom & Dad's old movies of us cousins (A&A, DD&B) jumping, swimming, splashing, & dunking at our lessons.
[Lori - I believe this is the same pool where the twins had swimming lessons last summer]
I have a feeling Trevin is going to be a great swimmer someday. He just loves the water & doesn't seem to mind water all over his face when he makes huge splashes.