Monday, August 30, 2010

first day of montessori school - august 25

The big day arrived for Benjamin last week - his first full day at the montessori school. Here he is, our happy boy...

Our conversation went like this:
"Mommy, are you going to leave me at the school today?"
[hmm...where is this conversation going?]
"Yes, that's the plan...I'll go home, do my work, take care of Trevin & then come back a little later to pick you up."
"Oh, goodie! I know the teachers will take such good care of me."

So we had absolutely no separation anxiety, no sadness or tears and he loved every minute of his time at school. Yeah!!


Aleta said...

So happy to hear of Benjamin's successful first day. Yay!!

HrdWrknmn said...

What a sad yet exciting time!

Us 4 said...

SO glad he is having such a positive experience, it sure makes it easier on mommy!

Unknown said...

awe, he'll be the best student too! we've back tracked and have taken the boys out. mason won't go since getting sick and it's expensive. guess he needs more time...

Unknown said...

awe, he'll be the best student too! we've back tracked and have taken the boys out. mason won't go since getting sick and it's expensive. guess he needs more time...

Herod Happenings said...

Did mommy have separation anxiety? I know I did and still do.