Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Then & Now

nearly 11 months ago...our beautiful baby

things I loved about this age: so sweet & tiny, the fact that feeding[bf] him was so much easier compared to Benjamin, his good daytime naps, that he could fit in our laps, smoothering him with kisses & love, watching Benjamin adore him, the way he completes our family.

this week...our big boy

things I love about this age: still sweet & now so heavy, his interaction with all of us, his words (dada & mam mam), the way he crosses his chubby, little feet when he's sitting around, how he scurries up the stairs after his big brother, the wonderful feeling of getting a decent sleep at night since he no longer 'snacks' at night.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Trevin is growing up! He looks like a happy little guy. Glad he's sleeping for you.(: