Things about Trevin at 2 years:
-asks for 'lunch' multiple times a day (ie when waking at 6:45ish, when getting ready for bed)
-is always looking for the moon when outside
-loves trucks & ambulances/fire trucks
-waits patiently with me while in line to pick up Benjamin from school
-loves to color...will color on his hands & arms as much as the paper
-even the littlest 'owwie' should not be taken lightly
-sleeps great...unless he is sick - then forget about sleeping, Mommy
-wants to go to school just like Benjamin...dragging his little backpack around the house
-when requesting something, he'll answer for you (ie "Mommy, up please....'kay")
-Not sure if I've heard him say 'yes' much...it comes out as 'huh' with a quick nod
-He's doing really well sitting still in meeting...we're learning that less is better
-He plays by himself so well...in fact, I can be gone (ie work) for a few hours while Russell works from home some mornings/handles conference calls with Trevin playing.
-Loves to set up meeting with his lego people or animals [see photo]
-Doesn't sing the graces at the table...but covers his eyes & waits to eat until we're finished singing
-Requests his little bible in meetings
-weight in the 50-75th percentile, height in the 90th percentile