Even though there is a small bit of sadness in leaving this year behind, we're looking forward to 2011.
Goodnight & we'll see you next year!
For those of you who are experiencing "winter",
stay warm!
Our thoughts:
Last week, this post would have been much different. Red...for bumps & bloody lips! Fortunately this week we've been less accident prone. Hope it stays that way.
Stay Warm inside & out!
I highly recommend this tea! It isn't just herbal peppermint...it's a decaf green tea with a wonderful smooth mild mint flavor. I was absolutely delighted to stocked up again after not being able to find it for a few weeks. I got to last 2 boxes at Target. $1.77 a box...you can't beat that price!
Last but not least....a sweet splurge.
We rarely buy Oreos, but this limited edition sounded too good to pass up. You should have seen the smile on Benjamin's face when I showed him the package. Guess we'll have some help eating these up!