Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trevin Russell: 15 months!

My goodness...where do I begin??!! If he's awake, he's moving (he hardly ever sits anymore). If he can reach it, he'll get it. If he sees someone else do it, he'll do it. If he doesn't think you heard him or got the message, he'll try again much louder. If he doesn't take good day time naps, he'll sleep all night long (not complaining about that one!). If we're eating it, he wants some too. If he loves you, he'll give you the best smiles & neck squeezes. If he isn't sure about you, he'll run & hide his face in our laps. If his brother is at school, he doesn't laugh as much but is still content to be with us. Speaking of brothers...if his brother has it, he wants it. I find myself telling him 'no' so much more than I ever did with Benjamin. Of course his interests include: light switches, electrical outlets, phones, keys, the vacuum, etc. Why do we need toys??

Words: Mama, Dada, lickle (tickle) and his own jibber jabber

Foods: everything (except the typical food hazards for a 1yr old)

Sleeps: 2 short day time naps & usually sleeping all night long

Teeth: 6...maybe more soon?

Oh yes, he keeps us on our toes...I feel so worn out by the end of the day. But it is worth it and we all love him so much!


Unknown said...

We love him too! He is soooo cute!

AmyB said...

He's adorable!! I love your description of him. And your blog is looking good! I like the new photos and header, etc.

tjp said...

Thanks for your sweet card and picture of your cute family! Fun to get a little caught up on your blog.