Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day weekend - part 2

A beautiful sunset seen from our hotel

Reflections from a Mother on her 3rd Mother's Day...
Benjamin! You are my sweet boy - you have a limitless supply of hugs & kisses. I will never get enough of them. We love to spend time together reading & reading. It is our bonding time. You try so hard to make sure others are happy & are very concerned when someone is not. You enjoy sharing (for 30 seconds) and following the big kids around as you seem to think you are one of them. You tell me over & over that "Daddy will bix (fix) it" if there is anything that even appears broken. I love your confidence in him. You love to pick "strawbears" from our garden and the delightful thrill of finding one "makes your day". It is so fun to watch you. Just this week you have become my official "back seat" driver - telling me "green GO!" when you see the stop light is green and "stop mommy" when it is red. You love our dear friend, Doris. If it is not our turn to pick her up for meetings, you remind us to go get her. But then you see her in meeting and are satisfied she was taken care of. You've discovered the joys of cooking! I love your helping hands in the kitchen - mixing, playing, stirring, pouring, etc. I love spending every minute of every day with you. The happy & fun times with you far outweigh the "not so happy" times when we correct you. You fill everyday with unexpected surprises & happy moments.


Alison said...

Andrea, this brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. I immediately thought of Kyla and I when I read this. :) I'm glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day. Aren't we lucky!!!

All American Family said...

Aren't our babies so sweet! No matter how old they get they'll always be our "baby". Much to their chagrin, we'll be reminding them of that for many years!

Lani said...

And those pictures are picture perfect gorgeous. Both the written ones and the camera ones. *happy sigh*

Ginger said...

Love the sweet pic of you and B. together. K. told me "happy mother's day" and "happy birthday" all day...he was quite happy that there was something to celebrate and I guess birthday's rank pretty high on his list! =)

Wish I would have thought to blog Mother's day!...still getting the hang of this. I loved your thoughts.