Thanksgiving week rushed by with a flurry of activities - lots of playtime with the cousins, shopping with the sister, eating with the family, visiting, & enjoying our fabulous fall weather. Afterwards, I crashed...quite literally...getting strep throat and banishing myself to bed for several days. Wow. I don't remember being that sick in a long time. I'm glad to be much better and even MORE glad that no one else seemed to have gotten it. It was not fun.

Hello cute Jace & Malia!

Amongst all the activities, Benjamin performed in his fall concert. He did so well and it was fun to have cousin Damion in the audience.

Happy Boys! These old Fisher Price sets are priceless!

Puzzle time with Drake.

Grandma Burnette & the whole clan of great, so fun. This was a very special time with family. Loved getting to all be together.

Happy Turkey Day! We had a small gathering, but it was so special to have time Grandma. Usually she can't/doesn't enter into the conversation much - but this time we got her talking & it was wonderful!

My dear friend Jordan stopped by for a quick visit. Our kids had a blast!

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Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We feel blessed beyond measure.