Wednesday, July 7, 2010

10 months!

Today Trevin is 10 months old. Things I want to remember about this stage...

-laughs the loudest with his brother
-can climb the stairs proficiently (we're still working on the going down part)
-crawls in 4 wheel drive - will go over anything to get where he wants to go
-loves the water & tries to escape out of his infant inner tube while in the pool
-still wakes once to eat at night
-he's teething, but no ones have appeared yet - only 2 bottom teeth
-has peach fuzz on the top of his head
-daytime naps never last more than 45 minutes
-pulls to stand easily and started taking steps along the couch this week

1 comment:

AmyB said...

He is PRECIOUS! Your photos are really great...maybe you can give me some tips :-) You know, I'm your favorite sister and all!