Saturday, January 21, 2012

adding some green

Here is a picture of those wonderfully delicious blueberry muffins I made last week. Oh so good. I'm also finding ways to add more GREEN to my diet.

My own version this week...

1/2 c. almond milk/2% milk
2 heaping c. of fresh spinach (or fill your blender to the top)
a few frozen banana slices
1/2 c. greek yogurt
1-2 tbsp almond butter

Healthy and delicious! Thanks, pinterest!


Deena said...

Can you please share the blueberry muffin recipe?? They look wonderful. I am committed to making 2012 my year to EAT HEALTHY & MOVE MORE, and that involves getting acquainted with some interesting & delicious greens I had never met before. Loving 'em!

Andrea said...

go back to January 12th & view that entry. Recipe is listed there! They are soooo good! :)

Deena said...


Deena said...

PS~I've got a copy of your timely green smoothie chart posted on my fridge for daily use. And btw, your family pictures are great... the boys are getting so big :) Wouldn't want it any other way and yet sometimes we just do!

Mo said...

Thank you for posting this! I saved a copy of the green smoothie chart on my desktop - it's great! Tonight I made your version and it was delicious!