Thursday, January 12, 2012 to a good start!

Well, here we are - well into our first month of 2012. So far things are going great in our household. The boys are happy & healthy. We've had no more accidents since our minor emergency which found us scurrying off to ER with Trevin. I've decided to make a list of things I want to accomplish this year. Here's part of my 'to do' list for 2012. I like the satisfaction of crossing things off a list, so here goes...

1. Get rid of clutter - this is already well in progress
2. Work at least 5x a month (really??) - this actually makes me a better mother; I'm always so happy to get home to see my kids & spend quality time with them. It is a good breather for me, very mentally stimulating, & I love being able to contribute a little chunk to the piggy bank.
3. Learn to cut my boys' hair - can it really be that hard? My Dad reminded me tonight - it'll always grow why not?
4. Quit scrapbooking - I'm completely in love with making memory books thru Picaboo. It saves so much time, money & effort. I have so many other things I want to spend time doing. With that said, I want to keep card making/stamping - it is fun & less involved.
5. Learn a new game. Suggestions?
6. Read this book.
7. Love more, express gratitude & worry less.

Benjamin's goal for 2012:
" Be more caring to others." - I love it! He came up with himself

Trevin's goal for 2012:
Sleep all night long! - We helped him with this one. :)
Hope you are having a good year so far!


tjp said...

I share all the same sentiments of your #2 (right down to 5 shifts/month being my magic number).

Deena said...

I've cut Pete's hair for years and you'll do just fine w/ your boys. You get used to their hair texture, growth patterns, etc., and it becomes a quick job. And your dad is right: the difference between a good haircut or a bad one is about 6 days ;-D

amydee said...

As for games: try Settlers of Catan, or if you already know that one, try Rails to Trails. We also learned Tichu last year (a card game).