Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sorrow's Work

This was shared this with us some time ago. It has meant a lot to me in light of recent experiences that have touched our lives.

Sorrow's Work

  • There are things that come through the gates of tribulation.
  • There are traits of character which seem to find no other mode of entrance into life -- such as gentleness, sympathy, & strength. Though we may desire a life of tranquility and joy, it still remains true that few of us whould choose for our most valued friend one who has never suffered.
  • The eyes that have not known tears lack genuine tenderness.
  • The heart that has never been torn with anguish and loss has never sounded its own depths, and cannot measure those of another. Every life grows strong through strom and conflict, if it ever grows strong at all. And however sweet by nature we may be, we find it uncomplete and unsatisfying if it has never known the softening, hallowing of grief. There are dark pages in our lives where we would gladly have changed the story if we could. There are wounds that still ache, and losses that even yet are heard to bear. But however we feel about the sorrow, there are few of us who would be willing to give up all that it has brought and taught us--or to be just where we were before it touched us. There are profound gains that come only through sorrow's gate.


All American Family said...

That's beautiful...thanks for sharing.

Elaine said...

Thank you for sharing. What great thoughts.

Alison said...

Like others...Thanks for sharing those thoughts. Sorrow does have an important work...

We loved the picture of Benjamin in the mail last week! Thankyou! We all couldn't believe how tall he is.

Give him hugs from his Montana Cousins!

Anonymous said...

So, so true! thanks for the gentle reminder, and for sharing this.
hope you all are safe and warm and didn't have any effects from"Ike"
Aunt Susie