I love this picture of 2 special friends. Benjamin learned her name before he learned mine. He calls the downstairs bedroom "June's room" and runs to find her after every gospel meeting. It hardly seems possible that one week ago she poured out what she had and fed our hearts and now she is gone. How does one explain this to a 2 year old? After having her for the past 3 years in our field, it is not easy letting go. But we are so glad for her guidance, instruction, encouragement & love.
We were so sorry to hear about June. She was in our field when we were dating and going to college! We still remember her gpl. meetings and the once a month sings she'd hold for the college kids!
We won't forget the very special privilege it was to be in her last gospel meeting, although we had no idea she was feeling unwell even then. And it was special meeting you 3 as well. Our time there was enriching in so many ways!
Loved this picture of June with Benjamin,she was very ,very special to our kids too, we were fortunate enough to have her in our field 3 different times. I'll never forget the walk we went on when she told me she would be leaving Montana to go back to Texas, our loss was your gain. Sweet, precious memories that death can't take from us. Now our loss is heavens gain.
Aunt Susie
What a precious picture of June and Benjamin. I remember June when she was in Montana and I always thought that someday I would see her again but never was able to so I was sorry to hear of her passing but thankful too for the memories. I don't remember so much of what she did or said but more the feeling I had about her... I know you will especially miss her and so our thoughts are with you...
Alison and family
What a special momento you have with this picture of June and Benjamin. So sweet. You would be missing her.
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