Wednesday, October 26, 2016

more & more candles

"The years tell what the days are doing."  Love this quote from J.Douglass.  September is a month of milestones for our family....100, 7, 11, 41.  My wonderful grandma was surprised with so many birthday cards.  Way over 100 cards, maybe 150?  I'm not sure of the final count.  I'm so thankful for her steady influence on my life.  I feel like I've blinked a few times & the boys have gone from being babies to being half grown.  I love them both so much.  The boys enjoyed spoiling me on my birthday.  A few more gray hairs & glasses too, but that's okay!  Russell was able to work from home some this month instead of going to Dallas every week.  I'm glad he didn't miss the celebrations.

And remembering my sweet friend & sister-in-law.  She would have been 38 in September.  I cherish memories with her and will never forget her gentle spirit.  What a privilege to be married into the same family.

1 comment:

Aleta said...

Love your recent posts. That is a precious picture of you and Jeannie together. Sending love and hugs.