Visit with John & Bernard. I think we went around the world twice that evening. What a wonderful privilege to get to know Bernard just a little. He shared some precious things.
Crutches at convention! Short version: an unfortunate accident when a friend stepped on Ben's foot on Sunday at the Spanish convention, pain & immobility sent him to the ER that night...xrays showed a line with a possible fracture...dr's orders "nonweightbearing for 1 week." He didn't let the crutches slow him down too much(after he finally let me teach him a thing or two about crutches...if only he knew I've done crutch training 573 times at the hospital). Anyway, he can check that one off as another 'first'.
This was an accidental picture, but I love it anyway...a strong arm around our little boy & the comfort there. We love the feeling of comfort at convention, being together while separated from so much. And now tomorrow we go back out again. Even the boys feel the difference. Trevin told me tonight, It feels like tomorrow will be the first day of school again.
Tonight I'm thankful for all that was poured out to us in these past few weeks and to be counted in.