Monday, March 24, 2014

January 2014

 Violins!  It was so fun to watch these cousins play their violin together...while Auntie Amy accompanied them on the piano.  We'll be able to enjoy more impromptu playing sessions soon!

 The highly anticipated grand opening of Whole Foods was a fun outing for us in January.  Nana accompanied us while we toured & tasted samples.  Yum.  The florist gave Trevin his own Yellow Rose.  Sniff, Sniff.

Ready or not, Trevin started preschool in January.  Looking back it was a good thing that it turned out to be a last minute decision.  There was no chance for me to dread the day, the hour, the moment.  With that said, he is absolutely thrilled with his little class & teacher.  Russell has mainly been dropping him off which has helped in this transition.  He'd probably be more clingly to me.  So...we've entered into a new phase, but it is working great for us.  I love having my afternoons with him while being able to work in the morning. 

 my little writer...looking so grown up
Dentist Day!

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