1 1/2 years! Wow. Most look at him and wonder how he could be that young (yes, he's a big boy!) and I wonder how he could be that old! I love his new found independence yet am so sad to be leaving the baby stage.
Birthday presents...
he gave me lots of love pats as he hugged me and surprised me with his first slobbery, sloppy kisses on my cheek. It melted my heart. Today I'm keenly aware he'll never be this young/small again, so I'm savoring these moments. Tonight
I'll give him extra Daddy time while I go to Mom's Night Out! When I get home we'll eat cupcakes & sing to him.

Sleeps...has 1-2 naps per day
Sleeps wonderfully in his own crib with pooh & bunny from 7pm to 7am; however our vacation was NOT restful. He was up every 2-3 hours at night & would wake up so early in the morning that Russell would take him to the beach to sit & watch the sun rise. Whew...tired parents!
Eats...mostly finger food but recently requested a spoon and surprised us all by eating applesauce from the bowl just like his big brother. The next day, half of his oatmeal & the bowl ended up on the floor, so eating still requires quite a bit of supervision.
Plays...with everything from books, tractors, tinkertoys, appliances on the lower shelves of our pantry {loves those buttons}, cameras, cell phones, etc. Loves to be outside, however he has been known to wander over to the neighbor's house. I can't turn my back to him very long.
Recently discovered...
he can get a hold of anything by pushing a chair up to the counter, getting up on the chair, standing & then reaching for whatever he is NOT supposed to have.
Can speak...
10+ words & signs a little {I haven't taught him much}
[light, mama, dada, hi, ni-ni (night night), duck, up, nana]
Life is MUCH busier with him, however our hearts & home just wouldn't be the same without him!!