Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3 months old

Trevin just turned 3 months old. He’s a big boy! It’s so different than with Benjamin. I always heard “he’s so little” and now we constantly hear “he’s so big.” Trevin loves to be held and is very smiley. His sweet little voice makes our hearts melt. So far, he’s a very good baby - mellow and happy most of the time. He looks like he will roll over pretty soon. Trevin will take the pacifier but he gets unhappy with it if he is hungry. He still hasn’t had a bottle yet. We haven’t noticed any thumb sucking yet, but he will chew on his hand. Trevin wakes up two times at night to eat and we’ve thought about trying to get him on a better schedule so I can sleep a bit more, however we haven’t attempted to change that yet. We need to work on taking more pictures of him - he is a cute little guy!


AmyB said...

Your new blog 'look' is super cute! Good job.

Unknown said...

Trevin is DEFINATELY a cute little guy!

Country Family said...

How funny, I always heard the same with my two! Landon was small and Lillie was big. 3 months already! Wow...time flys! Hope you get more sleep soon!