Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th Weekend

Our 4th of July weekend included a company picnic near Horseshoe Bay, golfing, swimming, & fireworks over the water. Benjamin loved every minute of it. He'll tell you that he got a "hole in one"! He'd find the hole on the putt putt course, run down to get close to the hole, set his ball down, & hit it into the hole! What great eye hand coordination he's getting. He slept in his big bed for the first time last night & did fabulous. Yes, we have been lazy along those lines. It is so easy to put him in his crib & let him sleep there. However he is ready for the transition. He thinks he's such a big boy now. I just discovered this week that he can also sing his ABCs! It's so exciting to watch him learn, but I'm very aware he is growing up too fast.

Benjamin's patriotic donut

Getting started on the beautiful course Company picnic at the owners' waterfront property near Horseshoe Bay

Getting ready for fireworks on the lawn by the lake


All American Family said...

Looks like y'all had lots 'o fun! And you really SHOULDN'T have posted that picture of a donut...I want one NOW!! ;)

AmyB said...

Hello, I'm also drooling over the donut. But not nearly as much as this morning when you mentioned RR donuts!! Yikes. Please have some waiting for me when we come :-) hee hee

Lani said...

Cute... Happy 4th of July! Sorry it's a little bit late. Looks like you had a good one.