My heart aches when I see these pictures and yet I have deep joy because of this time together with Russell's family. I'm so, so thankful we made this trip! I linger over these photos and remember little tidbits of conversations, visits, laughs & even the tears that flowed. This was a trip filled with firsts & lasts. Reminds me again that we don't know when our 'last' experiences will take place. The most important thing is to keep our next step faithful, because it could be our last.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Kitchen time
Having a kitchen helper always makes tasks in the kitchen more fun. Loved spending time in the kitchen with Ben this past week. He can add another dish to his "I've made it" list: cornbread.
The grin says it all....something is about to happen & I may need to duck for cover.
Changing plans...
Another life lesson: Plans are made to be changed. We had big plans to see friends & family in Phoenix, Santa Fe & along the way. But with one sick kiddo, we had to change directions. Trevin felt really bad but getting better at home was just a much better option.
One boy was happy to be on the road...
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Birthday boys
Race day
It feels great to work hard & finish well.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Grandma's rolls
For many years now, Grandma (or Great-Grandma) Bunette has made the same sourdough rolls from starter faithfully every week. Anytime we were at her house, she always offered us rolls with jam - either as a snack or with the meal. So, it was a sad day when she took her starter out of the freezer and found that it was no longer active. In some ways it makes life at 100 a bit easier for her now. But we will miss all her labor in the kitchen to make these amazing rolls. 

Trevin was sick the last time we went up to Grandma's last weekend. So she sent his 2 rolls home for him to enjoy. He savored every bite!!
Saturday, November 19, 2016
a pumpkin on my table
I love the change in perspective when I'm reminded of everything I have to be thankful for. My little pumpkin turned out cute & goodness, it wasn't too hard to fill up the space.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Trevin's project
Trevin intently wrote his thankful thoughts on a little pumpkin this week. He needed help with a few words, but I have noted progress in his writing skills! It is certainly getting easier for him. Yay!
" I love my parents. We will be thankful and have the right spirit.And don't say mean words. I am thankful for daddy letting me go to Park and Pizza! We want to respect around the world."
I think he's got the right idea!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Florida bound

He's off! This time Russell is travelling to Florida. I looked into flying out with the boys for the weekend, but it just didn't make sense this time. Fortunately the boys really didn't care. They are currently scheming how we can get back to Sandpoint as quickly as possible. However, it IS difficult to get the girl out of Texas. Oh the wisdom from our sweet nephews. Jeannie & I laughed until we cried about that one. I look back & miss her so much!
Russell was gone for nearly half the summer. It has been a growing experience for me & there certainly have been growing pains. The good: more patience, empathy for who are in this same situation, getting more organized, learning how to keep things fun for encourage cooperation from all parties, more appreciation for quiet time. The bad: sometimes the burden feels awfully heavy. The good outweighs the bad for which I'm very thankful.
I find myself humbled as I struggle at times alone in this parenting business. This is good. Convention message for me: Humility is essential when establishing ourselves on the rock. A lesson I must keep learning.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Fall Hike: Bull Creek, Austin, TX

Our next hike will be this New Mexico or Arizona. Let the planning begin!
I need to get maps & recommendations.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Pancakes & peaches
As usual I tried a new recipe since we were having company tonight. Not sure why I do this to myself, however I could tell this would be a keeper. It was wonderful! I made Peachy Pancake Sauce tonight with some frozen peaches. There is nothing like a warm fruit sauce on oatmeal pancakes. Delish food & nice fellowship on this drizzly, cool evening....a lovely way to end the weekend.
Click here to view recipe.
Looking ahead to Monday now & thankful for all His provisions.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
International Children's Day
This is a huge event at the boys' elementary school....booths representing at least 12 different countries with snacks at each booth and lots of fun facts. It was an exhausting but fun day. It was fun serving english tea & cookies to the kiddos as well as showing them pictures of Parliament, the Star of Africa (diamond) in the Crown Jewels, Tower Bridge, & more.
My fun fact: What time is tea time in England?
Thursday, November 3, 2016
It was rather fitting that pumpkin investigations took place this week. Trevin invited me to help their table with his project. The kids had fun learning while getting dirty. Pumpkins float! Our pumpkin contained over 390 seeds. And what a fantastic mess we made...just glad it happened at school & not at my house!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Convention Days 2016

Visit with John & Bernard. I think we went around the world twice that evening. What a wonderful privilege to get to know Bernard just a little. He shared some precious things.
Crutches at convention! Short version: an unfortunate accident when a friend stepped on Ben's foot on Sunday at the Spanish convention, pain & immobility sent him to the ER that night...xrays showed a line with a possible fracture...dr's orders "nonweightbearing for 1 week." He didn't let the crutches slow him down too much(after he finally let me teach him a thing or two about crutches...if only he knew I've done crutch training 573 times at the hospital). Anyway, he can check that one off as another 'first'.
This was an accidental picture, but I love it anyway...a strong arm around our little boy & the comfort there. We love the feeling of comfort at convention, being together while separated from so much. And now tomorrow we go back out again. Even the boys feel the difference. Trevin told me tonight, It feels like tomorrow will be the first day of school again.
Tonight I'm thankful for all that was poured out to us in these past few weeks and to be counted in.
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